Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

2 Subjects

Week 3-Participation

Week 3-Participation

Q 1. In what ways has the internet and modern technology increased the potential for business tort and criminal liability? 2. In what ways has the internet decreased these risks to businesses? 3. Criminal Liability over business 4. A scenario where a business owes its customers or members of the public a duty to take reasonable care to prevent a foreseeable harm.5. Duty of Reasonable Care

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The upsurge of technology now seems to have brought up a wide array of opportunities as well as conveniences for the individual society today. This wide array has now become applicable even in the fields of ordering lunch by utilizing smartphones to mobile banking facilities ("Technology and Tort Law", 2018). Thus from this it is clear that our world has now comparatively become more connected or has become readily available in different aspects to its people. Besides these set of facilities, online commerce has now become the most preferred shopping methodology for the customers and the sensual data being gathered from this are being shared across the internet; which is quite risky.